About the Exams section:
Exams section is a statutory office in the autonomous college. The most important and the most typical job of conducting of examinations is totally transferred to the autonomous college by the university. The office of the controller of exams takes care of the conducting of exams.
After the Principal’s office, the office of the Controller of Exams is the most important functional unit in an autonomous college. It is a statutory office and is responsible for all the activities connected with testing, grading and academic certification in the college.
For conferring the provisional certificate the university accepts the marks or grades and certificates given from the Controller of Exams office.
In an autonomous college the college itself does the formative and summative evaluation of its students. The students are beneficiaries in this process.
- Formative evaluation means Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE)
- Summative evaluation means Sem End Exams Evaluation (SEE)
1. Starting from the collection of examination fee until the submission of tabulation of result:
a) Application generation
b) Hall tickets printing
c) Question papers requirement for each and every Semester End Exam
d) ‘D’ forms generation
e) Code numbers generation
f) Bundle slips generation
g) Award lists generation
h) De-coding process
i) Printing of notice board marks
j) Student Vs pass particulars
k) Department wise backlogs information (Internal, External, Practical)
l) Ward books printing
m) Printing of marks memo with student aadhar number and mother’s name
n) Provisional certificate printing
o) Printing of consolidate marks memo
p) Tabulation of result
2. Using of stitched answer books to
conduct IA Exams, RIA Exams, Semester End Exams,
Practical Exams and Instant Exams with security features.
3. Printing of Semester end marks memos,
Consolidate marks memos and Provisional
certificates with security features.
4. Feed back from
a) The students
b) The departments
c) The examiners
5. Result analysis.
6. Semester wise galley.
7. Semester wise TCs, Examination fee
not paid and Absentees particulars.
8. Answer
books account for Internal exams, RIA exams, Semester End exam, Practical exams
and Instant exams (i.e., answer books issued, consumed and returned particulars
will be
Aims and objectives of Autonomy:
- Changes can be made in the curriculum according to the changing needs of the society and various modified courses are offered to provide quality education.
- Brightening the future of rural youth, in particular, community from agricultural families and underprivileged communities.
- To develop aptitudes and skills of students to equip them to face the challenges and expected/demanding needs of society.
- To give greater opportunities to rural youth in order to prepare them as greater citizens and effective leaders.
- Right decisions can be taken at the right time.
Through Autonomy we can upgrade the content of the courses of
studies, adopt teaching methods more conducive to independent thinking, and
employ evaluation procedures for creativity thought and action.
Sri N.V.Srinivasarao |
HOD, Lecturer, Incharge COE. |
M.Sc. |
9989870188 |
Sri K.Ramesh |
Lecturer |
M.Sc. |
9989865856 |
Ms. V. Madhavi |
Data Entry Operator |
M.Sc., PGDCA |
9603377598 |
Smt Ch. Sirisha |
Office Assistant |
B.Com., DCA |
7095797971 |